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Delivering Bin Management in SAP IM

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Many of these businesses have key staff members with 'local knowledge' of item locations within their raw material, engineering or consumable stores. This can run very well at certain times, however, it can become an issue if the employee with the knowledge leaves the business, is absent, not on shift or occupied elsewhere.

With no bin management in place it can take longer than necessary to find the correct item, there is no way to confirm the product is correct at picking stage and it can be difficult to maintain accurate stock records. Bin management can be achieved by upgrading to SAP Warehouse Management (WM) or Stockroom Management on S/4HANA, however, smaller warehouses will be unlikely to utilise the array of extra functionality in this module, so the significant investment to implement the solution would not be cost-effective.

A more cost-efficient approach would be to implement a bin management solution into SAP IM.

SAP IM Bin Management

This innovative functionality has been developed specifically by The Config Team, as a unique solution to enhance efficiency for SAP IM customers. The IM Bin Management mobile application enables users to quickly identify the relevant bin location, scan the item upon picking to confirm it is correct, with stock quantities automatically being updated in SAP in real-time.

Up to 10 times quicker than delivering WM functionality for an IM store, implementing IM Bin Management delivers improved stock visibility, traceability and accuracy. In turn, this would bring immediate business benefits in terms of increasing productivity, speeding up processes, improving overall operational efficiency, reducing reliance on local knowledge and reducing staff training requirements.

For further information on how IM Bin Management could benefit your business, or to discuss any aspect of your SAP solution, please get in touch with our team.

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The Config Team

Posted by: The Config Team

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