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SAP S/4HANA™️ – in 2 Minutes

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You may well be clear on this but explaining it to other senior managers and the Board is always a bit of an art form. It needs to be in business terms – but we all know that there will be some Board members who are a bit more technical and who want that bit more – but without getting bamboozled.

This video from SAP – delivered by Carl Dubler, Director S/4HANA Product Marketing over two years ago – may well be what you need. It’s to the point and simple. Mentioning superiority over the competition would not have been in a script we’d have suggested, but other than that, it’s two minutes worth sharing with the right people at the right time.

Board buy-in

If you want to go further, then check out Carl's updates on YouTube and on web sites. He often runs 20-minute webinars entitled “SAP S/4HANA: Prove It! Build the case you need for executive buy-in” and similar.

These videos can provide useful insights and anecdotes to help bridge the gap between those well versed in SAP technology and those we're asking to make decisions on investments in SAP software.

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Edson Consulting Ltd

Posted by: Edson Consulting Ltd

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