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Project Scheduling Best Practice: 12 Critical Success Factors

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1. Reflect the Project Execution Strategy in the Schedule

The schedule must align with the project execution plan and strategy and clearly show how the work will be executed and distinctly demonstrate the sequence and timing of each step.

The schedule should clearly define the path to the delivery of aggregated value through to project completion.

Project teams will rely on the schedule to plan for upcoming work, resource requirements, as well as to identify problem areas of concern that may occur during execution. So, unless the schedule clearly reflects the project execution strategy, it is of little value to these teams.

2. Capture the Entire Scope of Work

The schedule should reflect all the activities and work needed to accomplish the project’s objectives and meet all the requirements of the contract. When it comes to project execution, controlling the scope of work and its impact on your schedule is crucial.

Learn how Schedule Risk Analysis can be the key to project management success - download our white paper here

3. Set Reasonable Activity Durations

The schedule should accurately reflect how long each activity will take. Therefore, durations should be reasonably short, meaningful, controllable, and allow for discrete progress measurement.

When defining activity durations, the quantity of work and resources needed should be taken into account.

4. Logically Sequence and Link All Activities

To ensure critical project dates, milestones and deliverables are met, the activities must be logically sequenced and linked – for example, a predecessor activity must finish before its successor.

All too often in projects, date constraints and lags are used to fix a start or finish date. The issue with this is that using negative lags extensively – to allow activities to be planned in parallel or squeeze the required work into an unrealistic timeframe to meet project milestones – results in a less reliable schedule.

What’s more, if the duration of the predecessor is shortened, the successor may end up starting before its predecessor. So, best practice dictates that when sequencing activities, you should look out for high-value lags and aim to have Finish-to-Start as the dominant link type.

5. Keep Date Constraints to a Minimum

The usage of constraints and lags should be kept to a minimum, as it hinders free flowing paths and prohibits accurate float calculations for the total project, critical path identification, and can potentially cause incorrect activity start and finish dates.

6. Avoid Dangling Activities

When building your project schedule, you should avoid dangling activities – i.e. activities with no or incomplete logic.

To produce a correct critical path schedule, changes in an activity duration need to lead to the correct implications for it successors and the project as a whole, without the need for extra manual work.

If there are dangling activities or activities with incorrect logic, their float values will not be accurate, meaning the critical path may not be identified correctly. As a result, you may end up formulating a completely inaccurate project completion date.

7. Check the Critical Path Makes Sense

The schedule should identify both the project’s critical path(s) and longest path. Be mindful that critical paths often change during project execution, as a result of progress updates.

Essentially, establishing a valid critical path is needed to examine the effects of slippage along it. And since the critical path determines the project’s earliest possible completion; extra focus, energy, and attention should be spent on critical activities. If your critical path runs through your management activities, the schedule should be carefully examined and challenged.

8. Check the Schedule Contains Reasonable Float

The schedule should identify float, i.e. the amount of time an activity can slip before the project end date or any part of delivery is delayed. Try to look out for excessively high float as it can be an indicator of missing logic and aim to avoid using too many activity date constraints, as they can cause inaccurate float calculations.

9. Assign Resources to All Activities

At its most basic, the schedule should reflect the resources needed to complete the project successfully. Remember that every activity in the schedule should be resource-loaded, except for milestones.

The activity represents work that must be performed to satisfy the project contract, which cannot be done without consuming resources. Any activity without resources should not be in your schedule.

Ultimately, the reasons resource-loaded schedules are so useful to projects are that manpower requirements can be planned in advance and any manpower conflicts or problems that arise can be mitigated and resolved.

10. Verify the Resource Plan

With the activity durations set, the right logic in place, and a free-flowing resource-loaded schedule, you can now check whether the resource plan is executable. Ask yourself:

  • Do we have the right amount of resources required at the required time?
  • Are there any density conflicts from concurrent activities and work at the location?

After answering these questions, you may well decide to make schedule adjustments, thereby improving your chances of executing the project successfully.

11. Run a Schedule Risk Analysis

Project schedules are built using single point estimates of activity durations. But, when you take uncertainty for risks and activity durations into account, then end dates, criticality and level of confidence are likely to change. Therefore, the starting point for a well-performing schedule risk analysis should always be a clear and accurate critical path schedule.

However, as the activity duration is a single (deterministic) value and not a range of possible outcomes, the end date is also forecasted as a single value. In real life, the duration of an activity may vary, but that single value should be considered your best estimate.

To understand how uncertainty and risk affect your project and project schedule, it’s best to run a schedule risk analysis. This statistical model is used to determine the effect of risk and uncertainty on confidence levels for meeting the project’s completion date.

The schedule risk analysis helps you to define the contingency or reserve of time needed for a certain level of confidence and to identify and focus on high priority risks. Projects should include the results from your schedule risk analysis and mitigations when constructing an executable baseline.

12. Set Your Baseline

The project baseline is the defined benchmark for measuring and evaluating your project performance. You should set the baseline after the schedule has been challenged and verified, but before any work starts on the project and progress starts to be reported.

Since the baseline acts as a contract with the project team and determines when work will take place, extra care should be taken in trying to get it right. You should aim to set the baseline in concrete and not change it unless authorized to do so. To do this, you need to ensure that changes to the scope of work are captured through a change control process and the impact of any changes to the baseline should be assessed in terms of resources required, cost, and time.

During the actual project execution, measure progress against the baseline to determine if you’re behind or ahead of schedule and whether any schedule variance that crops up affects down-stream work. During this analysis, take extra care in examining any out of sequence updates.


Project professionals need to make a concerted effort to ensure the schedule is accurate and credible as, quite simply, it’s crucial to project success. Following these 12 points will provide a great head start, but remember that a schedule health assessment should be done prior to setting the initial baseline and following every major update to the baseline.

With Safran Project, you can establish and maintain several alternative schedule scenarios, together with a practically unlimited number of baselines and variations. The schedule risk analysis tool is fully compatible with this functionality, giving users the ability to conduct comprehensive impact analysis from within a single software program.

This activity, known as What-If analysis, is just one of the many techniques we discuss in our recent guide. We also examine the Monte Carlo method and how it can be applied to project planning, as well as discussing the major elements of risk within project schedules and how to mitigate them.

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