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Spotlight on: SAP Functional Support

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“I offer functional support for our customers, resolving tickets that our customers raise for issues and service requests. I predominantly handle tickets for two of our larger customers, and mostly work with the SAP modules Production Planning (PP), Material Management (MM), Inventory Management (IM) and Warehouse Management (WM). There are lots of different tickets to get through and none of them are ever the same as these customers operate lots of modules at many sites globally, but the benefit is that because my team spends a lot of time on these customers, we’ve developed a great understanding of their systems and processes, and they’ve gotten to know us in turn.

“What I enjoy about my role is that I see what the customers see on a daily basis and can get hands-on in their systems to solve problems. Every customer has a different system and their own way of doing things, so I’m always learning something new.

“I first encountered SAP when I was working on the production side of a well-known drinks company. The site where I was based was rolling out SAP, and I had the opportunity to get involved with the implementation. I learned a lot during this time, and my role eventually transitioned into being a super user who the team could come to with any SAP issues they were experiencing. I felt like I found my path working with SAP and wanted that to continue.

“After several years, I made the move to consulting, joining The Config Team as a functional consultant. Making this change was a challenge at first, but lots of what I’d previously learned as a super user came in handy, as I was able to apply my operational-level SAP knowledge with the best practice consulting processes we use here.

“Moving to the support team has been a brilliant opportunity that has allowed me to learn and develop my skills even more. An important part of SAP support is about forming a deep understanding of customer processes, being able to put yourself in their shoes, and adapting to their ways of working so you can get the best result. You also have to have a broad knowledge of SAP systems, as many of our customers operate multiple modules to support their processes which all interact and work in tandem with each other.

“I think what sets The Config Team’s SAP support offering apart is the great people we have in our team who all genuinely care about getting the best result for our customers. People like working with us and want to stay working with us. We’re not an anonymous helpdesk where customers deal with someone different each time, we get to know customers, they get to know us in turn, and we develop a brilliant rapport and trust. While we have a great ticket system in place, customers can also just drop us a message or email if they want to run through something, and we’re always happy to help. There’s no such thing as a silly question. Customers are operating very complex systems, so it’s often the case where the users don’t know what the issue is, just that something isn’t right. We help them understand what the cause is and solve it so that it doesn’t happen again.”

Get in touch with our SAP Supply Chain Experts today for more information about our SAP support services.

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The Config Team

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