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25,000 trees and counting with PreBilt™ and Ecologi

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PreBilt, our mobile RF scanning solution, can replace manual and paper-based processes within the SAP supply chain, helping to improve our customers’ environmental impact. Building upon the solution’s potential to reduce paper waste, we will be planting one tree for every PreBilt license sold from 1st January 2024 onwards. This means we will not just be fighting waste; we will be helping companies to promote afforestation across the world.

Not only will we fund the planting of new trees going forward, but we have retroactively financed the planting of 25,000 trees across Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and Mozambique – one for every existing PreBilt user.

The UK generates more than 8 million tonnes of paper waste every year, requiring about 192 million trees to produce. By reducing companies’ reliance upon paper, while helping to replenish and create new forests, we are committed to making a positive and sustainable impact on the environment. This is especially important in light of the recent 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 28), where the UK government renewed its 2021 pledge to reverse deforestation by 2030.

Commenting on the project, a member of our CSR committee, Emma Bainbridge, said: “We are very excited to be working with Ecologi to bring the PreBilt Forest to life.”

“Given the supply chain industry has a considerable impact on the environment, tree planting is a great way to protect the climate and support biodiversity. While this has already been celebrated internally, we know our PreBilt customers will be delighted to see the effect their projects have on the environment.”

PreBilt is our rapid-deployment mobile solution that enables supply chain processes to be executed on a mobile device. Deployed in days, the intuitive user interface makes tasks quicker and easier to execute, while the direct connection to SAP ensures all data is updated in real-time for end-to-end supply chain visibility.

For more information on The PreBilt Forest or to learn how PreBilt could help remove paper from your supply chain, get in touch with our SAP supply chain experts today.

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