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EASY Archive Achieves SAP Certified Integration with SAP S/4HANA®

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EASY Archive 7 has achieved SAP certification as integrated with SAP S/4HANA®. The integration enhances the experience with reliable, revision-proof electronic archiving. Recertification by SAP means EASY Archive 7 can continue to promise maintenance of existing and new archive installations. Certification for SAP S/4HANA is particularly important, so EASY Archive creates integration options for customers.

With the successful certification, EASY Archive customers benefit from a future-proof archive with a long solution life. The renewed certification shows that EASY SOFTWARE is committed to always keeping an eye on the necessary certifications for stability and smooth functionality, in addition to adding new features and products.

With the use of EASY WebDAV for ILM as an extension to SAP ILM, you gain the ability to conform with all comprehensive requirements for the mandatory implementation of the GDPR. EASY WebDAV for ILM particularly meets the requirement for providing ILM-capable storage for archive data and archive documents. The following diagram illustrates the interaction of SAP ILM, EASY WebDAV for ILM and EASY Archive.

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EASY Software (UK) Ltd

Posted by: EASY Software (UK) Ltd

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