25 Jun 2021

Making the Most of Your SAP Investment by Completing the Product Support Accreditation

*Blog written by SAP

Welcome to the fourth and final blog post in our series on effectively leveraging your investment in SAP software and support. In this final post we want to take you through the Product Support Accreditation. But first, let’s recap on what we’ve covered so far!

Our first blog post in the series focused on self-service and incident prevention, exploring the benefits of proactively using SAP Notes, SAP Knowledge Base Articles (KBAs), and SAP Community content, for example.

Our second post examined real-time support, exploring the benefits of the Next-Generation Support approach including Expert Chat, Schedule an Expert, Schedule a Manager and Ask an Expert Peer.

Our third post explored how incident processing can be optimized using the Digital Support Experience.


Complete the Product Support Accreditation Today!

At this point, why not reinforce the knowledge you have learned through our blog series by taking the Product Support Accreditation!

It only takes a little over an hour to complete.

The course consists of 3 modules. Each contains a short, interactive video, a PDF document, and a short quiz at the end.

Once you’ve completed the three modules and the final assessment, that’s it - you’re accredited.

How does it benefit you?

1. Empowerment - You’ll be familiar with all of Product Support’s available resources. You’ll enjoy faster, better interactions.

2. Badge - You’ll be emailed your Acclaim badge, that you can share on social media, within a week of completing accreditation (as long as you’re a subscribed user)


Learn more and subscribe at this link

Further information available on the SAP Product Support homepage