
TJC UK & Ireland Ltd

Partner type
Build & Develop SAP Solutions

TJC Group Overview

TJC Group supports organisations to overcome complex challenges with SAP data volume management, Information Lifecycle Management (ILM), GDPR and Global tax compliance. TJC Group is an SAP Certified partner with over 25 years of experience. Our +500 clients span across a wide range of industries and sizes and are located globally.

See customer testimonials. To learn more, please visit www.tjc-group.com.

Our products and solutions in brief

TJC Group offers SAP certified solutions that help companies around the world to use SAP data effectively, to reduce the overall size of a database, implement effective document management, and efficiently extract data for tax and audit purposes. Head over to the solutions page for a quick overview: https://www.tjc-group.com/our-software/

TJC Group is an SAP Silver partner. SAP recommends that all SAP landscapes have effective archiving plans in place. They also encourage clients to consider SAP archiving for their existing ECC environments before migrating to S4 Hana to enable:

  • Data archiving can play a pivotal role in maintaining SAP system performance as the business data increases over time.
  • Making the Right-Sized Move to SAP S/4HANA*. By archiving data that is no longer in use, companies can significantly reduce the data volume of its system and increase performance.
  • To secure and extract data for tax, audit and regulatory requirements while retaining the security and integrity of IT systems and policies.

*Source: SAP Blog. https://blogs.sap.com/2019/01/03/making-the-right-sized-move-to-sap-s-4hana/

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The content provided here is supplied by the Partner, and UKISUG accepts no responsibility or liability for its accuracy, completeness, or relevance. Any opinions, advice, or information expressed are those of the Partner alone and do not reflect the views or endorsements of UKISUG.