What's Connect About?

Designed to give you all the information you need about Connect 2016 and an overview as to what you can expect across the 3 days!

We hear lots about Connect 2016 - but what exactly is it?

Spread over 3 days, UKISUG Connect 2016 is designed to provide you with an arena to learn, network and collaborate with your peers and take advantage of the many, many years of SAP experience all in one place, at the same time.

Sunday 20 November

Opening at 1.45pm, the day begins with a mix of five interactive workshops commencing at 2.30pm and 4.30pm. Covering a variety of topics these informal interactive workshops are the ideal opportunity for hands on discussions, problem solving and identifying potential solutions.

The main Exhibition Hall opens at 3.30pm giving you a no pressure, no obligation experience to find out what's new in the world of SAP products, developments, solutions, etc, etc.

At 6.00pm the Exhibition Hall hosts our Networking Reception. Two hours of informal networking, whilst enjoying gentle entertainment and good food, the perfect way to engage with your peers, product specialists and experts alike.

Monday 21 November

The day begins with Keynotes at 9.15am and this year includes SAP's Hala Zeine, Cormac Watters and Colin Brookes. Following this the programme splits in the afternoon and this is where you have a choice of 60 sessions across 11 specialist streams covering all areas of SAP.

After a full day of learning, knowledge sharing and education, Monday evening is the time for fun, networking and entertainment at SUGFest.

Offering a host of varied entertainment and specialised cuisine, SUGFest is the ideal way to unwind, relax and make new friends

“The conference allows SAP Users an opportunity to learn about new SAP Technology being released and to discuss any common process problems with experts or other users. The event provided the opportunity to network with other companies, whilst having fun at a great SUGFest evening “ - Delegate

Tuesday 22 November

A slightly later start at 9.30am with a further Keynote from our motivational speaker; designed to energise and revitalise you, not just for Day Two of Connect 2016 but to support you when you return to the day job!

It’s then back to the learning and education as the day continues with a further 60 sessions for you to choose from!

As the conference draws to a close we end with our official prize draw and charity raffle, where there’s always some great prizes on offer. After this you’re heading home refreshed, re-energised and ready to put all your new found knowledge and experiences to good use and we are back to the drawing board to start our preparations for 2017.

“The go to conference for SAP users in the UK & Ireland, packing in a wide range of content covering all aspects of implementing and running SAP. With technology and businesses changing so quickly it’s important to make the right choices for the right reasons and I feel much better informed following the event” - Delegate


SAP Customers






Hours of Education


Hours of Networking




SAP Experts