A - Z of useful information


If you are booked in the Crowne Plaza Birmingham City Centre, Central Square, Holliday Street, Birmingham, B1 1HH, this is situated canal side and is within strolling distance to The ICC; connected to all major road links. Please contact general enquiries on T: +44 (0)121 224 5000

Please note - There is no parking at the Crowne Plaza this year.

Alternative parking is available at The Mailbox and the Crowne Plaza can offer a 15% discount for anyone parking at the Mailbox. You will be given a red token upon entry to the car park which can be validated at the hotel reception and then pay upon departure of the car park.

New Street Rail Station is within a 5-minute walk, where there is a direct train link

to Birmingham International Airport.

If you have booked alternative accommodation via the INNOV8 link, please contact general enquiries on T: +44 (0)8448 871550 or [email protected]


The conference App will provide you with all of the latest information on the conference, including venue maps, latest programme and session details, full speaker details, opportunity to network, organise meetings and so much more!


Badges are colour-coded according to your role at the conference and must be worn at all time during the conference.

Blue Delegate

Dark Green – Exhibitor

Light Green – Exhibitor Consultant

Purple - Speaker

Red - Press

Yellow – UKISUG

Silver – Visitors

Dietary Requirements

If you have any dietary requirements and have not advised the organisers, please visit the help desk and inform them of your requirements.

Dress Code

For the duration of the conference, the dress code will be Smart Casual – no jeans and no trainers please.

Dress Code for SUGFest is Smart Casual evening wear


SUGFest, will take place at the ICC commencing at 7.45pm. A full programme for the evening is contained in this Guide.

Dress Code for SUGFest – Smart Casual evening wear

Help Desk

The Help Desk is situated next to the main registration desks, and will be manned at all times throughout the conference.

Hotel Room Bill

Any additional costs charged to your room during your stay, including car parking fees, are at your own expense and your ‘extras’ bill must be settled at check-out on Tuesday 28th November. All major credit cards are accepted.

Luggage Store

If you wish to store luggage at any time during the conference, the Concierge at your respective hotels will be happy to arrange this for you.

On the final day of the conference, there will be limited storage available in the Cloakroom on Level 3 of The ICC. The cloakroom will be manned at all times, including during SUGFest and storage of your bags will be free. All bags MUST be collected before 17:00 hours on Tuesday 28th November when the cloakroom will close.

The organisers will not be responsible for any unclaimed bags after the cloakroom has closed.

Medical Requirements

If you have any medical conditions or special requirements of any kind of which you have not advised the organisers, please visit the help desk. First Aid personnel will be available at all times during the conference. If you require any medical assistance or need to report an emergency, please contact one of The ICC hosts who will assist you.

Mobile Phones

You are kindly asked to switch your mobile telephones to silent before entering any of the main conference sessions, breakout streams and workshops.

Thank you!

Photography & Videography

Please note that there will be an official photographer and film crew at the conference. If images in any form are taken by you they should be for personal use only.

The UK & Ireland SAP User Group takes no responsibility for any unofficial images or recordings that may result from this conference. All attendees at the conference hereby irrevocably consent to and authorise the use by UK & Ireland SAP User Group and its assignees and licensees, of all images and recordings taken. This includes any reproduction of the images in any form in any media whatsoever.

Plenary Room

All keynote sessions will take place in Hall 1, Level 4.

Prayer Room

The ICC has a Multi-Faith Prayer Room available for all visitors who want a time of quiet, meditation or prayer. It is situated in the Mall, to the left of Starbucks. The room has prayer mats, holy books and other resources for prayer which have been donated by representatives of local faiths.

Press Room

The Press Room will be located on the Mezzanine Area of Hall 3, Level 4 and Press Interview Rooms will be available in Executive Rooms 3 and 4 located on Level 5 of The ICC.


There will be no seating or table plans in operation at any time during the conference.


Since 1st July 2007 it is no longer lawful to smoke in public premises. Smoking is only permitted outside the venue and in designated smoking areas.

Speaker Preview Room

Speaker assistance can be found in the Media Suite, Level 4 of The ICC.


Birmingham New Street, Five Ways, Snow Hill and Moor Street Stations are a short walk from the venue and taxis are available outside the stations.

If you are catching the train to Birmingham International, there are regular links to Birmingham New Street.

For full details of train times and directions: www.nationalrail.co.uk


A live Twitter feed will be running from the User Group stand during the

conference, so please use the hashtag #UKISUGConnect for your event tweets.

If you would like to follow the User Group on Twitter we are:



The conference website https://www.sapusers.org/connect contains information about the conference programme, the speakers, the exhibition and much more. The site is updated regularly and contains useful information for delegates.

For full information on the UKISUG, including our annual events calendar please

visit www.sapusers.org