
Mitigate Risk and Measure Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes for Certification, Compliance and Successful Learning Outcomes.

People Management & Development

14:25 - 15:10

Recent news stories about regulatory compliance in the financial services industry highlight the pressing need for effective training and assessment in this sector.

The most compelling reason to use assessments for compliance is that they are legally required!

Almost all regulators require that organisations periodically measure employees’ knowledge and comprehension of particular subjects as well as continue to assess their training needs. Without regular testing, how do you know what your employees know?

However, legal requirements are not the only motivation. Testing your workforce will also help them to retain critical information and can even help spot problem areas before they impact your business. Supporting an effective learning culture and successful learning outcome.

In addition to discussing the vital role of assessments in mitigating risk, this briefing will share how SAP Assessment Manager can be used to support and promote compliance.

We will cover these and other topics:

  • Demonstrating your organisation’s commitment to comply with laws, making prosecution less likely if an individual mis-steps
  • How assessments can warn of a lack of knowledge or understanding before these impact the business
  • Providing effective documentation that training has taken place and that employees understand what they are required to do in line with regulations
  • Saving time by allowing knowledgeable employees to “test out” of training on topics in which they are already expert