
EPI-USE Labs and SAP take you to the Cloud


14:25 - 15:10

SAP will present:

What is the future of SAP’s cloud and how SAP sees customer’s transition from on premise to the cloud including Finance and HR. Will customers move directly to Success Factors, S/4 HANA, what are the steps in between and after, on this journey to the Cloud and Digital Transformation.

Egideon Bands of EPI-USE Labs will introduce EPI-USE Cloud Platform and discuss how EPI-USE Labs can assist customers with their transition by using EPI-USE Labs developed technologies and services.

Egideon will provide insight into how Data Sync Manager (DSM) is to be used to accelerate migration and transformation projects whilst the EPI-USE Cloud platform automates the running and support of these SAP systems at the same time saving customer's money.
