
Delivering SAP Centric Supplier Portals without Limitations

Supply Chain Management

14:25 - 15:10

Companies and institutions are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits a Supplier Portal can deliver. The ability to communicate with Suppliers in real-time, whilst reducing transactional processing overheads from the communication process is obviously attractive. A truly collaborative platform which enables your suppliers to administer their orders, respond to quotation requests, digest KPI`s, view future demand forecasts whilst driving internal efficiency by removing unnecessary administration for your organisation, surely has to be a good thing.

However, the positivity surrounding the obvious benefits this type of portal can provide is often offset by concerns over the introduction of a new technology in order to deliver the portal. How difficult will it be to integrate the externally delivered portal with SAP and maintain this ongoing? This no longer needs to be a concern. This session will highlight how a SAP centric methodology for the delivery of a functionally comprehensive, feature rich, on brand Supplier Portal does exist and how this is being utilised to drive efficiency and collaboration in the real world.