About Us

UKISUG is the independent UK & Ireland SAP User Group. As a 'not for profit' membership organisation we are run by our members for the success of our members. Our purpose is to create one vibrant SAP community, learning and developing together, speaking with one voice. Be Knowledgeable. Be Passionate. Be Human.

UK & Ireland SAP User Group

Since founded in 1988, the UK & Ireland SAP user group has grown into a diverse and dynamic community of SAP customers, professionals and partners. Being independent allows us to speak for our members with one voice. As a member of SUGEN (SAP User Group Executive Network), a body of 21 international user groups, we can also share the concerns of our members and influence SAP at a global level.

Value for Money

Membership of the UK & Ireland User Group will save your organisation valuable time and money by being able to draw on a community with vast experience and knowledge of SAP. As a member, you can access a range of special members-only services including discounts on SAP-related conferences, as well as the discussion forums and technical libraries on the “members only” area of our website.


Being a member of the UK & Ireland SAP User Group is a unique and cost-effective way to develop your own SAP skills and bring the benefits to your organisation through initiatives such as attending events, networking, discussion forums and our annual conference: UKISUG Connect.

At UKISUG we are...

  • A diverse and inclusive team, working towards a sustainable future
  • One team working to evolve our community
  • Able to listen to everyone equally and discuss openly
  • Always providing opportunities to learn and develop, enabling up to progress, improve and grow as one
  • Advocates for change, are flexible and creative
  • Keeping our communications clear, transparent and timely
  • Honest, helpful and supportive, whilst aiming to do the right thing
  • Holding ourselves accountable to a higher standard and celebrate each other's success


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Our Purpose 

is to create a vibrant SAP community, learning and developing together, speaking with one voice.

Our Vision

is to drive success for the SAP community, creating unrivalled resources, education and advocacy.

Our Mission

is to continually evolve our SAP community, keeping people at our core.

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Meet the Team

Community is at the heart of all we do and the key to any community is volunteers. Individuals passionate about SAP come together to ensure knowledge and experience can be shared. Meet the team!

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Who is UKISUG?

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